Violations of the Fair Housing Act have a chilling effect on the housing industry when violations occur for renters trying to buy a home. Those who rent while home shopping have a hard if they must compete against a volatile housing market and illegal discrimination at the same time. Home Purchase and Refinance Loans

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HUD Announces Settlement in California Fair Housing Case

October 1, 2022

Violations of the Fair Housing Act have a chilling effect on the housing industry no matter if those violations occur when trying to rent or buy a home. Those who must rent while looking for a dream home have a much harder time getting permanent housing if they must compete against both the housing market and illegal discrimination.

Some may not realize it, but sexual harassment can be a violation of the Fair Housing Act when it occurs under the right conditions. 

A good example of this can be found in a recent settlement between the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and a group of respondents named below.

HUD has announced a conciliation agreement with respondents including:
  • Perris Family Apartments, LLC.
  • Perris Family Apartments L.P.
  • The Coachella Valley Housing Coalition
  • Hyder & Company dba Hyder Property Management Professionals
  • Kenneth Parker
According to a HUD press release, “This Conciliation Agreement does not constitute an admission by Respondents or evidence of a determination by HUD of any violation of the Fair Housing Act” or “any other” law.

According to the HUD official site, the respondents named above entered into this agreement after a sexual harassment complaint was lodged by a tenant of the apartments owned and operated by the respondents.

An initial complaint to the apartment owners did result in an end to the sexual harassment, which was allegedly perpetrated by an employee named Kenneth Parker. That’s when the tenant complained to HUD.

Federal Fair Housing Act laws forbid sexual harassment of tenants. “Tenants should not have to endure sexual harassment in their homes,” according to Demetria L. McCain, HUD's Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.

McCain was quoted in HUD’s press release on the matter, adding, “Today's conciliation agreement should send a clear message that HUD is committed to ensuring housing providers meet their obligations under the Fair Housing Act.”

Under the terms of the acgreement, HUD says Perris Family Apartments will “pay the tenant $21,000 and take other actions to prevent sexual harassment, including providing training for employees.” HUD’s press release notes that the harassment allegations were denied, but “voluntarily agreed” to settle the case.

Have you experienced housing discrimination? File a complaint by contacting the HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at (800) 669-9777 (voice) or (800) 877-8339 (Relay).


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