FHA advises prospective homebuyers to approach FHA loans with their best possible credit history to eliminate any potential risk of not qualifying.

FHA.com: Home Purchase and Refinance Loans

FHA Loan Programs for 2024

The most recognized 3.5% down payment mortgage in the country. Affordable payments w/good credit.

Are You Watching Your Credit Score?

- Improving Your Credit Score Has Never Been More Important -

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FHA.com is a privately owned website, is not a government agency, and does not make loans.

Identify and Fix Credit Report Errors

Things to Do Before Applying for an FHA Loan

Identify and Fix Credit Report Errors

When the Federal Housing Administration announced rule changes to help strengthen finances and protect against risk, one of the biggest changes was requiring a minimum FICO score of 580 to qualify for the attractive 3.5 percent down payment on mortgage loans.

Know Your FICO Score

Applicants who fall below the 580 score will have to put down a 10 percent down payment in order to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan. For many applicants hovering just below that threshold, this policy change may serve as a great opportunity to take close look at their credit report and improve it.

The FICO score is actually comprised of your credit scores from the three national credit bureaus--Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. If your FICO score is just below the FHA limit, you should take the proper steps to check your credit report with the three agencies.

How to Check Your Credit Report

There are many ways people can check their credit scores. There are many online resources for people wishing to identify where they stand with lenders. Once you've gotten your report from the three bureaus, carefully examine your credit history for anything out of the ordinary, such as unauthorized loans taken out in your name, incorrect late payment records or anything that seems questionable, no matter how minor you think it is.

While your credit reports and credit score are what lenders use to judge your reliability in paying back loans, errors in your reports can happen. Make sure they aren't hindering you and your life's plans.

Correct Errors as Soon as Possible

The longer you wait to correct your credit history, the more potential damage errors can do. Prevention is key, so if you don't use a credit monitoring service, you should consider one. If you do find any errors, send a letter to the bureau that reported it and clarify with them why you think it is incorrect. Be sure to provide proof and any other documentation that will help your claim.

If you're already in the process of applying for an FHA loan, notify your lender of your dispute with your credit report as well because your credit score indicates your creditworthiness. It never makes sense to suffer at disadvantages that were the result of something you didn't do.

Credit Scores for FHA Loans

SEE YOUR CREDIT SCORES   From All 3 Bureaus  

Do you know what's on your credit report?

Learn what your score means.

FHA Loan Articles and Mortgage News

Questions to Ask When Planning Your Rehab Loan

July 26, 2024 - The FHA 203(k) rehabilitation mortgage and its refinance equivalent are tools for buying and renovating a home or remodeling an existing property. This loan can be used to buy a fixer-upper and finance the repairs needed to make the home livable and meet local building codes.

New HUD Proposed Final Rule on the Sale of Delinquent FHA Home Loans

July 25, 2024 - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a proposed new rule in July 2024 that is intended to be a permanent policy regarding the sale of delinquent FHA single-family mortgage loans.

Home Loan Discount Points and Lender Credits

July 23, 2024 - When shopping for a home loan, you need to gather some basic information from multiple lenders to compare the costs, fees, terms, and conditions of the home loan you seek. During this process, you can verify information with each lender you choose.

Refinancing vs. Reverse Mortgage

July 22, 2024 - As we age, the significance of making sound financial decisions grows. Many choose to tap into their home equity in their retirement years, and two options are important to know: FHA reverse mortgages and FHA refinancing.

Refinancing from a Conventional Loan to an FHA Mortgage

July 21, 2024 - FHA refinancing is worth considering if you want a government-backed loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that can refinance you out of a conventional adjustable rate mortgage or get you cash back at closing.