There are some important questions to ask each home seller when shopping for your first home, your next home, or helping a son or daughter do so.  Once you start asking questions, the answers will tell you why you should have asked about the real estate you’re considering. Home Purchase and Refinance Loans

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Before You Make an Offer on a Home

June 20, 2023

There are some important questions to ask each home seller when shopping for your first home, your next home, or helping a son or daughter do so.

It may seem “too personal” at first to ask some of these questions, but once you start asking them, the answers will tell you why you should have asked about the real estate you’re considering.

Why Are You Moving?

Beware of a seller who hedges or qualifies themselves too much when talking about local weather or traffic conditions.

Your seller might be leaving because they hate the climate, the traffic, the noise, or any number of other reasons. Pay attention to the answers that don’t seem straightforward or seem evasive.

How Old Is the Home?

Here’s another question to ask where you should pay close attention to how it is answered. The age of the home is an indicator of the age of its individual parts and how soon you may have to replace them.

Some house sellers know good and well that their roof is close to needing a replacement but they might be afraid to tell you.

Some know their home will age out of some appliances or features but don’t necessarily want to admit that replacement time for them is near. An evasive answer can be a suspicious answer. The honest answer is worth paying attention to.

Have You Ever Had a Flood or a Fire?

Asking about ANY major repair or issue is a smart idea. You want to know about foundation issues, leaks, electrical or plumbing issues, and whether or not certain issues are more seasonal and not necessarily a year-round problem.

Any Local Issues to Know About?

For example, traffic around certain major intersections may become more complicated in winter months or during tourist season. Be sure to ask.

Some might notice a sports stadium nearby but don’t think to ask about how the season might interfere with local traffic. Some homes may be near an airport, auto body shop, or dry cleaning shop. You’ll want to know when and where things get congested, difficult to navigate, or when they require alternative routes to get back to your home.

All of these questions are fairly standard in the house-hunting process when talking to sellers. The first time you ask, you may feel a bit awkward, but you’ll soon get over that feeling. Practice makes perfect.


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